Dear users,

We have recently removed Lirum Device Info from sale. When a new version is released, it will be available again – and all purchases made will seamlesly migrate.
As for the reasons of the take down:

  • A crash on iOS 9 was widely reported – and we can’t quickfix it because the AppStore now demands a 64bit build – and some dependencies cannot be ported to 64bit at this time. That’s why we will take some time to release an update;
  • The latest device models were not supported (in terms of having all internal specifications on our database) – An even having those specs, we can’t update the App as fast as we wanted: such mechanism will be created on our next update;
  • The UI is very outdated – we want to remake the flow and structure of the app from the groud up;

Please, note that Apple has nothing to do with this takedown. We removed the App so we avoid unsatisfied consumers to purchase a broken version.

If you purchased the full version and don’t want to wait for an updated, you can issue a refund on the iTunes store:

Thank you,

Rogério Hirooka

Lirum Labs